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2020年51th世界标准日 | 标准保护地球
发布时间:2020-10-13 来源: 浏览次数:5513
世界标准日(World Standards Day),是国际标准化组织(ISO)成立纪念日。10月14日这一天被选定为世界标准日。世界标准日的目的是提高对国际标准化在世界经济活动中重要性的认识,以促进国际标准化工作适应世界范围内的商业、工业、政府和消费者的需要。这个国际节日是献给全世界成千上万从事标准化工作的志愿者的礼物。
2020年10月14日是第51届世界标准日。为了彰显标准在资源保护、绿色发展方面的重要意义,国际标准化组织(ISO)、国际电工委员会(IEC)、国际电信联盟(ITU)将今年世界标准日的主题确定为“标准保护地球(Protecting theplanet with standards)”,并联合发布了2020年世界标准日祝词。
Earth, a finite vessel of life in the vastness of our solar system.Life on earth depends on energy coming from the sun. However, over the lastcentury human and large-scale industrial activities of our modern civilizationhave added to the earth’s natural greenhouse gases. They negatively impact ourclimate and with it all forms of life. At the same time rapid population growthand broad urbanization call for the responsible use of limited resources.
To reduce human impact on our planet, we need the political will,concrete action and the right tools. International standards are one such tool.The international standards prepared by IEC, ISO and ITU take into accounttried and true solutions to technical challenges. They help share expertise and expert know-how broadly withindeveloped and developing countries alike. Standards cover all aspects of energysavings, water and air quality. They lay down standardized protocols andmethods of measurement. Their broad use helps reduce the environmental impactof industrial production and processes, facilitates the reuse of limitedresources and improves energy efficiency.
2020年10月14日是第51届世界标准日。为了彰显标准在资源保护、绿色发展方面的重要意义,国际标准化组织(ISO)、国际电工委员会(IEC)、国际电信联盟(ITU)将今年世界标准日的主题确定为“标准保护地球(Protecting theplanet with standards)”,并联合发布了2020年世界标准日祝词。
2020年世界标准日- 标准保护地球
地球是浩瀚太阳系中为数不多的生命之舟,地球上的所有生命都依赖于太阳的能量。然而,在过去的一个世纪里,现代文明活动中人类和大规模的工业活动使得地球的温室气体不断增多,给全球气候和人类生活带来了负面影响。与此同时,随着人口的快速增长和城市化的不断扩张,地球上的有限资源应被负责任地使用。PROTECTING THE PLANET WITH STANDARDS
2020年世界标准日- 标准保护地球
Earth, a finite vessel of life in the vastness of our solar system.Life on earth depends on energy coming from the sun. However, over the lastcentury human and large-scale industrial activities of our modern civilizationhave added to the earth’s natural greenhouse gases. They negatively impact ourclimate and with it all forms of life. At the same time rapid population growthand broad urbanization call for the responsible use of limited resources.
To reduce human impact on our planet, we need the political will,concrete action and the right tools. International standards are one such tool.The international standards prepared by IEC, ISO and ITU take into accounttried and true solutions to technical challenges. They help share expertise and expert know-how broadly withindeveloped and developing countries alike. Standards cover all aspects of energysavings, water and air quality. They lay down standardized protocols andmethods of measurement. Their broad use helps reduce the environmental impactof industrial production and processes, facilitates the reuse of limitedresources and improves energy efficiency.